Tagged: working women


Work-life balance: Tips to regain control

  There was a time when the boundaries between work and home were pretty clear. Today, however, work is likely to interfere with personal life, so maintaining a work-life balance is not easy. This...

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Revised maternity rules

Indira Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo, when asked if there is anything she regrets, answered that certainly it was the considerable small amount of time spent with her daughters. She told that she had gone...


My Life My Decisions!

There is a very famous quotation that says “Being a woman is not that easy. You have to look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a...

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Why Don’t People Appreciate a Housewife?

Today is the world of competition and appreciation. Everybody needs encouragement, and without that, no one is going to enjoy work. Now the term work in this context refers to anything, not just confined...