Sugar Cravings and Guilt Free Foods
It is not uncommon that most of us just adore sugary treats and we never miss a chance spotting with ice creams and desserts as part of a friend’s treat, someone’s birthday, marriage party, or formal meetings. It does not hurt anybody if it were a monthly refreshment but it is not so because there are many departmental stores, bakery and supermarkets situated nearby to which anybody could be drawn towards purchasing such stuffs. Most individuals who plan for dieting and exercising have no lasting schedule due to the same reason. But we could at least manage our diet so that after eating we don’t feel the guilt of emptying the whole bowl stuffed with unhealthful materials. You may opt for the following but remember not to overdo these. Just a small amount would work fine and that too once in a week.
1. Chocolate dipped fruits – You may melt some amount of chocolates in a microwave or through steaming and dip fruits like strawberries, bananas, kiwis, grapes, etc. Now you may freeze for around one hour. These are perfect options to make you feel contented of sweet tooth. These could be served as mid morning breakfast around 11 am or during the onset of evening at about 4 pm. These could be taken in the mid-night if you feel hungry before sleeping but if you live in colder regions you must avoid this to prevent yourself from cough and cold.
2. Choco-nut-popcorn – First you may prepare the popcorn and then top it with melted chocolate OR pour the melted peanut butter with added cocoa powder over the popcorns. Now add nuts like cashews, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, etc.
3. Dark chocolate – The dark chocolate doesn’t contain unhealthy fats and the amount of sugar in it is lessened a lot. One may pick one or two squares of this anti-oxidant rich pack, depending on the size of each piece. Don’t eat the whole of it but instead use it as a tool to turn off your hunger, particularly in the evening or mid-night. Remember that if you eat it in the evening you must avoid it before going to sleep or vice versa.
4. Smoothies – Smoothies are people’s and children’s fast friends. These look colorful (most important feature if someone needs to “feel” the goodness) and are tasty and healthy. Prepare your smoothie by blending together half a banana, a tablespoon of blueberries, two cups of fat-free yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. This controls the food craving for long term and a person feels very satisfied. You may experiment with swapping the blueberries with strawberries or raspberries or a little of all.
5. Fruit popsicle – Popsicles are fantastic! These are liked by all age groups. Fruit popsicles are easy to make. One just needs to take out the juice of any fruit, pour it in an ice tray or similar popsicle tray, keep a toothpick or any other wooden stick inside of each division and wait until it freezes. After it gets frozen take out using warm water at the base and enjoy it till the last drop.
6. Hot chocolate – Use the skimmed milk or soy in this recipe and prepare a hot chocolate following instructions written on the packet of coco powder. Avoid too much of coco. Use stevia, brown sugar, jaggery or honey in place of refined sugar.
7. Trail mix – This is an easy one and requires your 5 minutes of schedule. You just need to have two to three varieties of nuts and dried fruits and some dark chocolates. Break the dark chocolate into small pieces (or use choco chips) and do the same with the nuts. Mix all of these thoroughly and have right away. You will never regret this for sure! As said earlier never add too much of chocolates as well as nuts. Don’t eat like you used to eat a whole packet of chips.
8. Choco-yogurt dip – Add together some coco powder, brown sugar with Greek yogurt using a blender. You may now use it as a fruit dip. Enjoy having a variety of fruits dipping each piece before gulping.
All the above recipes give an idea that the traces of chocolate do wonders when it comes to satisfying one’s taste buds as well as stomach. Yogurt is the prime source of “good bacteria” that is excellent for your liver and guts. It also contains plenty of calcium, protein, traces of nearly all essential minerals and less amount of fats and carbohydrates if you choose Greek yogurt over regular yogurt. The Greek yogurt is a result of removing the water and hence it appears more creamy. It contains more calcium and protein than the regular yogurt and hence an excellent selection for those who regularly prepare desserts.

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