Tips for back to school preparations for children and parents!
School holiday means adjourning the previous routine and timetable totally. As parents and children are in back to school mood and parents might have started thinking about the queue of responsibilities to bring kids back on to routine as in the pre-holiday period. From convincing them to reduce their playtime and putting them back to the habit of rising up early in the morning, etc. Refreshing a child for school days is much more than that and it, in turn, make parents stressful.
A new school or an old-school reopening both depends on to which class the kid belongs. High will be parent’s stress when the child is in higher classes. If possible, give them a tour at the school premises with you. Show them how to step down from school transport and the way to their classes. Convince your child that if any problem arises at school, you will be there to help resolve them. Let’s see the list of few things-to-do before the school reopens.
Back to school preparations
Purchase school supplies
The first and foremost thing that comes to mind while you prepare your child and yourself for school reopening is obviously shopping. For us adults, the memories of school reopening are accompanied by a sweet fragrance of new books and stationary. My kids stare at me laughing when I inhale the air of their books!
Make sure you/kids have all of the supplies they need in the coming days. The types of materials you’ll need will vary from class to class. Some schools may give the list of to-buy-things or provide the things in advance.
Ask kids or take them to shop to buy their stuffs, which will avoid a tantrum later. It is always better to keep everything controlled in your budget and convince children about your budget. Academic stationary must be simple and handy. Avoid buying heavy school bags and brand-labelled outfits for schools.
Bring back the old routine time slowly
A week or two before the school reopens, start rewinding. Now children must be sleeping late after watching a late night movie or playing or spending time outside with friends like that. A sudden change may not be good for them. It will be difficult for them to make it up early and they will not feel fresh at the classes. So, little by little wake them early and insist kids to eat proper breakfast on time. Breakfast is the brain food and a good breakfast keep children fresh throughout the day.
Brush up some last years portions without forcing
In this case, there will be two opinions for sure. Let it be so! Because usually schools revise the previous year’s portions in the first few days hence it is not a must do preparation. Anyway, brushing up may give children some extra confidence to face the classes in case the child is stressed about the academics. The revisions may be at a fast pace so if your kid is unable to catch up he/she will be tensed. A new year being started with confidence will keep that throughout the year.
Make sure they are healthy
Actually this should be in the priority on top. Past few weeks they were beside you with good care. Once they are open to the crowd they have more chances to get infectious diseases. So, just make sure their body has a maximum immunity and some extra fat in advance to shed down. And also check all their vaccinations/shots are taken on time.
Prepare for children’s favourite meals
Make a meal plan and stock the required supplies and make sure they are not junk. Write the meal plan and your child’s favourite dishes and stick it on a visible place in your kitchen so that it helps you in case if you ran out of ideas. Some children have a habit of liking few meals only for a duration; later after few days they will get bored of the same. So, check what they like currently. Try to include filling and nutritious dishes. If you are sending snacks/lunch to school make a plan for that also. Avoid sending dishes that are complicated to eat from school. Also, avoid pungent food items which may insult them in their gang.
Prepare a study area
Give an area and/or table for your child if you haven’t arranged already. Teach them to allocate space for each and every little thing and to keep stuffs at its right place every time. It will make their life easier and will have a good habit. The area should be calm and away from child’s distraction like television or other attractive screens. Along with this, make their timetable, write it and stick it in a place where they can see well; in that chart allot their study time, play time, screen time, meal time, etc. in bold.
Arrange the wardrobe
Parents/elder kids can arrange kids wardrobe. Donate those dresses they have outgrown. Keep school uniforms and dresses separately. Keep small baskets or organisers for tiny socks, hankies, neckties, undergarments, etc.
Preparations on the night before and in the morning
On the first day, wake up earlier than needed. Because on the first day you will feel a little flawed. Set your clocks forward 10 minutes. This makes it easier to be on time. Parents have to wake up an hour earlier than children and make their breakfast and food packed. It allows you all to enjoy the breakfast together and also can settle down at that time. On the night before, prepare the school bags and keep the dresses ironed and ready to wear. Insist elder kids to do this by themselves. For younger ones, parents have to do it for them.
When it is time to go, kiss them, hug them and leave them to school with a happy and cheerful face. Let them start a new year with confidence. I wish parents and children to have an awesome year ahead!

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