Ayoti Care: Incorporating CPR Training for a safe workplace
According to the Indian Heart Association, 22000 people die each year of cardiac arrest, and about fifty percent of these deaths are in the workplace. Most cardiac arrests happen because of arrhythmia or problems with electrical signalling of the heart. It causes an abnormal heartbeat. Other reasons for cardiac arrest are heart attack, coronary artery disease, an enlarged heart, and congenital heart diseases.
Cardiac arrests in the corporate workplace
Most corporate employees are prone to demanding schedules, high-stress levels, lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits. According to a recent survey on the occasion of ‘World Heart Day’, nearly 72% of the corporate employees are becoming prone to cardiovascular diseases. The survey further reveals that more than half of night shift workers have more risk than day workers suffering a stroke or heart attack. They have higher levels of unhealthy behavior such as eating junk food, sleeping badly, and not exercising, which leads to heart problems. Cardiac arrest gives no warning and affects the rhythm of the heart. It will cost the lives of employers, employees, and their families.
What happens during a cardiac arrest
When a person undergoes cardiac arrest, the heartbeat gets changed to a sudden fluttering of the heart named ventricular tachycardia and quickly to unproductive ventricular fibrillation (VF). The circulation of blood around the body stops, and the patient may faint, lose pulse, and breathe and cause sudden death in a brief time. This happens mostly in a workplace where eighty percent of the people would stand numb, with no idea what to do. They only prefer to call medical support or a doctor, which could take the victim to death. The unawareness of people can make a life for no reason. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the workplace is manageable than in other public areas.
CPR- An effective solution to workplace cardiac arrests
Awareness classes, employees can study how to give CPR to a victim while working in a company. CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a chest compression method or artificial ventilation given to the heart to help a cardiac arrest victim save his life. CPR aims to keep the victim’s organs in blood circulation until the medical professionals arrive. It increases the chance of survival. It is essential to have CPR training for employees because:
- CPR Saves Lives – It is a life-saving activity that enables the smooth working of a company.
- Anyone Can Learn CPR– It is no matter of education and other skills; everyone can learn it with the presence of mind.
- The Life You Save May Be That of a Loved One– No one can predict who would be the victim; it may occur even in a healthy-looking one. So showing interest in such activity can even help your loved ones
- Prevents Brain Death-Brain death occurs four to six minutes after the heart stops. CPR keeps blood flowing and provides oxygen to the brain, giving the victim a chance for recovery.
- You will feel Confident in the Event of A Cardiac Emergency- CPR classes will enable you with the confidence you need to transform yourself into the role of a lifesaver. CPR certification will give you the training to make the right decisions in the event of a cardiac emergency.
AYOTI supports life-saving tutorial
AYOTI supports getting all its staff trained to the point of excellence. CPR is an ABC technique for CPR first aid.
ABC Technique
The CPR training isn’t just confined to cardiac arrest but also choking, drowning, Epilepsy, road accidents, food poisoning, burns, electric shocks, and snakebites. This basic life support training involves how to respond promptly in the first few minutes until the patient seeks emergency medical services (EMS).
- The number of accidents is less and becomes a more safe working atmosphere.
- Training gives the right idea of how to manage such a critical situation with no fear or confusion.
- Employees are aware of how to perform CPR, bandage injuries, control blood flow, etc. They can take care of not just the workplace but also in our society.
Incorporate CPR Training for a Safe Workplace
The company that does not provide first-aid and CPR training to their employees creates more firm problems. The training ensures prevention of medical emergencies in the workplace. Training employees can mean the difference between life and death, but it also points out that employee well-being is above company profits. Establishing CPR and first aid training programs is in high demand for e-commerce today. As norms become increasingly standardized, it suggests all companies train and empower their employees on the training of emergency techniques. It encourages people to work for a company that shows concern for the people that support them. Incorporating CPR training in your company’s safe environment can help increase employee morale. Providing employees with CPR and first aid training is just one of the many ways a company can show that it cares for its employees’ health and well-being. As workers feel more motivated, they can work better. These training types are just as, if not more important, than seminars about matters regarding the company upliftment. I have proven that CPR is useful, and it can save lives. Companies should not wait for their employees to face cardiac arrest difficulties before providing CPR and first aid training. It is crucial for all companies.

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