Ayoti: Defining Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

                                                             Diversity and Inclusion should be the cornerstone of your culture

In recent years, diversity and inclusion have garnered a lot of attention, especially in businesses and organizations. While many have taken up initiatives in promoting them, some people have different perspectives about diversity and inclusion.

Diversity and inclusion are two interconnected concepts that are far from interchangeable. Diversity in a workplace can refer to many things, such as racial, ethnic, gender, etc. It is generally accepted as an asset to modern teams, resulting in more significant innovation and market growth. Inclusion is an achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully. They have equal access to opportunities and contribute fully to the organization’s success. In simple terms, inclusion is when a person is valued, respected, empowered, and feels a real sense of belonging.

Why is Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Important?

Allowing everyone to make their voices heard and listening to all empowers organizations to understand their workforce better. Whether your employees are part of any community, or belong to any minor groups based on gender or ethnicity, or come from different cultural backgrounds, they need to be included and supported in the day-to-day workplace for their and the company’s success.

  •       Gives your company a better competitive edge

According to the Centre of Talent Innovation (CTI) studies, companies that promote diversity gain a higher market share and a competitive edge in entering new markets. And the inclusion behavior in the workforce opens up the innovative potential of a diverse workforce enabling companies to increase their share of existing markets and open up new brands.

  •       Lower Employee Turnover

The recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process of a company takes up a significant amount of funds. If employee turnover is high, it will be a considerable loss in companies’ profits. With diversity and inclusion, the employees will feel that they are being respected, heard, and valued for their works. The employees who feel that their voices are being listened to are 5x times more likely to feel empowered and give in their best to their work and feel proud to be a part of the organization.

  •       Attracting Talents

Diversity and inclusion programs foster the employees inside out and develop an environment that is more attractive to work for them. Higher potential of industry professionals will thrive to join a company that provides a comfortable, supportive atmosphere where people of different cultures, ethnicity, genders, and sexual orientations will flourish.

  •       Raising Company Confidence

Having a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion in the workplace will significantly sharpen the company’s confidence. This paves the way for a larger platform for innovation, creativity, and other perspectives to create a mindset in your employees feeling that they are in a safe place and produce their best work. It also improves employees’ wellbeing and enhances their feeling towards their workplace.

Steps to Improve Diversity and Inclusion at Workplace

Here are the top ways you can support diversity and inclusion in your workplace:

  1.     Make use of the “Inclusive Workplace Model.”

If your company doesn’t stand for inclusivity, then you might be on the verge of risking your workforce. When your employees feel unsafe, unsure, or invisible, wherein they have to hide their inner feelings at work, it can take a toll on motivation and engagement and ultimately lead to higher employee attrition /turnover rates. Also, diversity in the workplace shows that most companies need to consider inclusivity to create a workforce that reflects a variety of backgrounds and expertise.

  1.     Acknowledge and honor multiple religious and cultural practices

It is always best to introduce a policy for keeping various cultural and religious traditions in your company. This can be done by mainly focusing on holidays and celebrations; for instance, some companies still have Christmas day off and offer floating holidays to accommodate all employees’ religious preferences. As the employees feel satisfied with their workplace environment, your company benefits from higher employee retention.

  1.     Foster a Company Culture where each person is welcomed, heard, and valued

It is vital to create an environment where employees feel secure and safe and feel connected to the company and its people. Employees often quit when they think they are being victimized, and their uniqueness is not valued or appreciated. Develop a company culture where they can feel free to express themselves regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, cultural background, etc.

  1.     Build a Multi-generational Workforce

Nowadays, millennials make up the vast majority of the workforce. For developing a diverse and inclusive workforce, it is essential to recognize and accommodate multiple generations.

  1.     Personalize One-on-One Discussions

One of the best ways to uphold diversity and inclusion in the workplace is to have a one-on-one talk with managers. For this discussion to be beneficial, managers need to have an open-door policy, where employees feel comfortable speaking their minds and giving their opinions.

The bottom line is that employees should feel valued by their employers to get inspired and look ahead to strive for success, both for themselves and the company.

How Ayoti Promotes Diversity and Inclusion

Ayoti follows a workplace culture that has evolved beyond diversity and inclusion. Our main goal is to create a consistently high-trust workplace experience for everyone in the organization. We mainly promote diversity and inclusion by involving women from all age groups, backgrounds and close the gender gap by making them feel valued to join the workforce. At Ayoti, we strive to understand both the societal and business value of equality.



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